
if a newborn star can shoot its glimmering rays through the stratospheres of the earth, pierce through the smog of sins, and smash into the waters of our land, and if i can see that twinkle of light trapped so innocently in the ripple of a wind-kissed river, flickering playfully with the prettiest blues of the spectrum, then i know i have witnessed one of life’s most precious moments. it takes a patient eye to catch it, and i’ve waited so long for the brightest star on the clearest night to cast its spell on this stillness. now, i claim it as my own. it’s like weaving my own definition of beauty into a cloth that the strongest light couldn’t shine through. it’s impenetrable, this love of mine…i hold it, i own it, and simply look for someone to share it with.

if i could freeze twenty thousand raindrops in time, let them dance in silence, vibrating in their momentarily permanent positions in space, then i’d have the opportunity to search for the one drop that would never quiver in the threat of my presence. that one little raindrop could redetermine my existence, reinterpret what it means to be lonely in a world full of mischief and mayhem. glistening clear and still, i’d see in its shiny surface not only a reflection of myself, but an affirmation of the existence of what i’d been searching for the entire time: love in its true form.

call me wordsmith. either way, i’m smitten with the written, and it just won’t go away. and it’s the love in me that’s done it. it’s a natural feeling.

blame it on the passion.

This entry was posted in Prose.


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